
Ashoka Bark Powder, 100g, Ashoka Pattai Powder, Ashoka Tree Bark, Saraca Asoca, Ashoka Chaal powder, 100g

Original price was: ₹143.00.Current price is: ₹75.00.

Ashoka Powder is an important Ayurvedic herb. Ashoka tree offers several health benefits and has been associated with Indian traditional medicine for various relieves and therapies. The herb purifies the blood and also prevents skin allergies. The root, bark and seeds of Ashoka are very useful.

1000 in stock

SKU: 112 Category:


Ashoka bark has been widely used as an ayurvedic. It is a very useful herb to manage many female health problems.
Regular intake of Ashoka Bark Powder may helpful in improve overall health.
How to use: Take ? or ? tsp of powder with warm water, once or twice a day or as direction by physician.
You can make a paste using the bark or leaves and apply it on the affected areas to get relief


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