
Kalyana Murungai Powder, 100G, Pangara, Erythrina Variegata, Coral Tree Leaf Powder, Mulmurukku, Pharhada, 100g

Original price was: ₹139.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.

The Indian coral tree is as its name suggests native to the Indian subcontinent, and its range extends throughout South-east Asia to Malaysia. It was introduced in ancient times to the Pacific islands and to parts of Africa. The Indian coral tree is a member of the Leguminoseae or Fabaceae family of plants making it a relative of dhak, the pongam tree, ashoka (Saraca indica),the monkey pod tree, jhand, lentils, indigo, the butterfly pea, chickpeas, soya beans and lupins to name but a few.

1000 in stock



Coral Tree Leaf Powder may helps in curing bad cold and cough. The leaves of this trees are excellent medicine and is a rich source of rare vitamins, minerals.
It is also a rich source of Iron, Calcium and dietary fibre.
Women are usually advised to take this because it may helpful in the uterus, prevents bone loss, and relieves period pain.